Hey there hi! My name is Ms. Porcelain and I am the secretary at the Windsor Music Centre.
On Tuesday July 23, 2024, I had the honor of hosting a shake-along for young musicians aged 3 to 6 years old and their parents.
Here is the play-by-play of how the night went down...
The doors opened at 5:00 pm.
At our last event, 'I Can Kazoo, Can You?', we went downstairs to the classrooms. But this time, we were stationed right out on the store floor.

A long folding table with a spiderweb tablecloth was set up with all sorts of craft items.

There were:
Paper Plates
Bags of Beans
We all seated ourselves around the table. Each of us received a paper plate and had the opportunity decorate in any way we would like. There were so many colors to choose from and so many sheets of stickers to sort through.
Once we were finished coloring and stickering, we learned how to make our shakers. First, we folded our plates in half. Next, we put a handful of beans inside the folded plate. With adult assistance, we stapled the plate shut to keep all the beans safely inside. With a hole punch and more adult help, we made holes around the rounded edge so we could add colorful ribbons.
Now that our shakers were completed, we could get started on the learning portion.

We learned about whole notes, half notes, and quarter notes. We learned about 4/4 timing and the value of each note in a measure of 4 beats.
A whole note = 4 beats
So we shook our shakers for 4 whole beats
A half note = 2 beats and there are two half notes in a measure
So we shook our shakers for 2 beats two times
A quarter note = 1 beat and there are four quarter notes in a measure
So we tapped our shakers four times
We practiced and we practiced. And we sounded really good!
We had a few minutes left at the end of our time together. I noticed that we had some familiar faces in the class...faces that attended our kazoo event. I asked if anyone practiced their "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star" from last time. And I got to hear just how far they have come in just a month of practicing. They sounded so good! I couldn't be happier.
I am so proud of these kiddos for practicing, creating, and learning. And I cannot wait to see even more of you at the next event.